Wednesday, April 8, 2009

...~ friendship forever ~...

these are my best clicks when i had been placed in the National Trainee which in the 1st Group and the 3rd session of 2006..

the National Trainee Programme is situated at PDS Kem, Port Dickson...and we undergo the training program at about 3 months..

its a speechless experience and di hope i can re-turn to that moment..:)...

miss them badly~....sweet clicks of Seremban 3 Room..:)..

May Allah always bless you with His gracious love and tender..:)..


...~ dikir barat ~...

i once had been participated in the 'dikir barat' competition held by the Hostel Comittee of the Block C and B collaboration in KMPh...

i enjoy the unique heritage that mostly the countries at the east-coast countries that are still applying...

they served to continue the high and endless heritage of their own country...


...~ graduation ~...

~really cant wait for that moment!!!!....~

but , sadly, my beloved late father....couldnt see and count me on that historic day..:'(...

may Allah bless him always...amiinnn....


...~ the SUPRO!! ~...

..:)..its very exciting....hurm...SUPRO @ Sukan Antara Program....last 2 semesters, the SUPRO which was held at Kompleks Sukan UiTM Johore...

on that time, i'm in the second semester of first year, participating the futsal game and the netball game till won!!!!...( only the futsal won )...

it is unpredictable on winning against the Karisma scorer on futsal game..well, our luck!!..:)..

hurmm...netball.....a complicated game including so-called -instructions and bla..bla..bla...

well, lets join SUPRO!!! enhance your health..:)..

...~ the team!!! ~...

> clock-wise from left : ita, hasfa, mr.halim, beep, kak intan, eja, me, kak miza, ekin, kak didi and linda...:)..

well, of course its about the hockey team...
recently , the KARISMA was held at UiTM Perak...
and the above figures are our poses before we make our move to there... semester, if Gods will, the KARISMA will be held at INTEC ( International Education Centre ) Kuala Lumpur...
for sure, next semester is my last semester studied here..
i'll be missed the campus and KARISMA too..:'(..

> clock-wise from left : zouk, mr.halim, mus, wan, tadle, cheetoh, bonye, syafiq, isyfak, and farhan...:)

...~ feel the sky ~...

> the British Columbia Aircraft..:)..., i would like to share to all of you who are reading or just surfing my blog, my experience in handling the British Columbia Aircraft...

it happened when me and my friend, Nishalini were selected to the Future Aviators Programme held during June 2004 at Malacca...

we spent 1 week at Klebang Resort and continue our academic excursion to the CTRM ( Composite Technology Research Malaysia ), the institution that held the process on building and maintaining the sculpture of the aircraft that all of you can see nowadays in Malaysia..

the aircraft that i drove called the British Columbia Aircraft..:)..feel so excited and heaven!!!!...subhanALLAH...speechless..

really hope that i have the opprtunity to make a *come back on that aircraft again..:)..

> the Eagle Aircraft..

...~ lets planting ~...

...:)..planting or "bercucuk tanam"...

i love it..:)..well, the figure above is me, pointed to the plants that i personally plant in front of my rent house at No5, Jalan Mida 7, Segamat Johore....

the plants are nearly 3 days planted...there are tapiocas, ginko biloba, and chillies (cili padi )..

hurmm...masih belum dapat hasil lagi..:)...but, it seems positive..i cant wait to feel and taste the chilli...