Saturday, March 21, 2009

...~ in memory ~...

on 17th March, my beloved father had passed sad...:'( that day, i'm ondaway to the class, got a call from my mother...she told that " balik sekarang.....abah tgh nazak ni....."...dah lame tahu, abah now actually counting days to go....Allah loves him most, so , He took abah....insyaALLAH...right to heaven...peacefully....i love him very much...his words are too sacred to me...on tuesday, he passed away....mira x sempat lihat n di samping arwah semasa the last sad..:'(...but, sampai rumah at 10 am....spend 2 nights there....i love him and i always pray for him so that arwah di tempatkn di kalangan orang beriman nun di syurga sana....Thanks God...You took him firmly....n i hope i can meet him oneday....Al-Fatihah....